
2023 Benchmarks Report

The 2023 Benchmarks Report is an annual report developed by Shippo that takes a comprehensive look at how mid-market e-commerce merchants are measuring up when it comes to key shipping and fulfillment data points. By looking at this internal data and comparing it to macro-level data, we can break down why certain product categories are performing the way they are and what mid-market merchants can do to perform better when it comes to shipping and fulfillment.

For this year’s edition of the Benchmarks Report, we’re partnering with ShipHero, a leading logistics provider with expertise in fulfillment services and warehouse management systems. We’re going to look at data points across the entire customer lifecycle - from the time a customer places an order, through the package’s shipping journey, and throughout the post-purchase experience. We’ve also chosen to focus on six major product categories this year (apparel, beauty/skincare, electronics, health/wellness, jewelry, and sports/outdoors), but most key takeaways can be applied to merchants of similar retail product categories. 

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