
Are You Ready for EVV and Value-Based Care?

Value-based care can provide a winning scenario for clients, providers, and payers. Individuals can experience healthier lives, providers can improve the quality of care they provide, and payers can address the rising healthcare costs associated with the increasing aging population. But where does EVV fit in?  

Here at Sandata, you can get on the right track to understand not only why compliance matters, but how using EVV to your advantage can help your agency and the clients you care for in the long run. While mandated to verify visits to receive Medicaid funding, implementing EVV provides your agency with a wealth of data, allowing you to ensure patients are receiving the services they need while eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse.  

Download our free eBook, “Prepare Your Agency for Value-Based Care” to get ready for value-based care models, get paid for improving quality of care, and keep clients home, safe, and happy for as long as possible.  

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