
Big Threats, Narrow Protection: The risks of IT and security silos in healthcare systems

A recent study shows that in the first week of a ransomware attack, hospitals experience a 20% drop in patient volume, while emergency rooms see a 40% decrease in revenue. Furthermore, the DNI reported a 128% increase in ransomware attacks targeting healthcare between 2022 and 2023, with nearly 7% of daily internet traffic being linked to denial-of-service attacks.

In response, IT and cybersecurity leaders often invest in solutions designed to combat specific threats like ransomware, phishing, and DDoS attacks. While these tools are necessary, relying solely on single threat-focused solutions creates gaps in visibility and weakens overall security, leaving organizations vulnerable when an inevitable attack occurs.

While security breaches grab headlines, the reality is that any type of outage can disrupt patient care, hurt financial performance, and even endanger lives. With the expansion of digital services like patient portals and ongoing acquisitions, healthcare systems must adapt their security strategies to match the growing scope of threats.

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