
Crushed By Complexity: A Playbook to Simplify Your Fragmented Real Estate Portfolio

Across industries, people and organizations are trying to get more efficient and do more with less. Difficult, turbulent conditions mean organizations have to find ways to get leaner and more flexible in the face of challenges. When you can’t do this efficiently, it leads to project delays and running over budget. It means information is inaccurate or tasks get duplicated due to inability to track work. 

The problem is hyper-fragmentation: the continued, growing separation of data and systems as more technology is brought in to deal with more complex work. Hyper-fragmentation has come from the effort of organizations trying to transform their operations digitally through investment in technology.

Check out Crushed By Complexity: A Playbook to Simplify Your Fragmented Real Estate Portfolio for insight on:

  • Ways to identify fragmentation in your organization
  • Steps to find the ideal solutions to solve the fragmentation problem
  • Organizations that have succeeded in fighting fragmentation

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