
eBook: Your handbook to developer-driven security

DevOps and security professionals have been talking about shifting left for years, but why does it seem to be so difficult to do in practice?

Developers ship code faster than ever before. This may seem like a good thing, but it introduces a new risk because security is often deprioritized in order to meet tight deadlines and market demand. This leaves AppSec to be the last line of defense, leaving a huge portion of work on AppSec which are already resource-constrained and dealing with ever-growing complexity.

The goal is to move security and testing from the last step in the process to the very beginning, helping to reduce the number of bugs introduced into the code base and mitigating rework.

Shifting left has been consistently cited as the key to shipping code successfully and without significant delays.

We want to help development teams and AppSec teams to shift left. That’s why we have created a handbook to developer-driven security. It summarizes best practices to implement developer-driven security, how to engage, upskill and increase security knowledge as well as how to go about measuring impact.

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